Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thy face, O Lord shall I seek

With great urgency, I seek thy face, O God, for the sake of the Church who focuses not on thee but on things terrestrial. We, O God, must set our eyes on Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith. It is no crime that we should be consumed with thee all day.
When thou saidst unto me, "Seek ye my face." Thy face, O Lord shall I seek. Lord, what greater thing is there we can put our focus on? There is none. Thou art God.
Thou, O God art the blessed and only potentate. The King of kings and Lord of lords.
Thou only hast immortality, dwelling in inapproachable light. Man cannot approach unto thee save by the blood of Jesus and the Mercy Seat.
To thee, O God, be honor and glory and power everlasting, amen.
I thank you, O God, for those in House of Life Ministry who are praying for my family and me. Post your angels about them. Abundantly bless them. Draw them into your presence and endue them with your power and grace.
I pray also for the Smallest Seed, Inc. O Lord, bless that ministry and all involved. Help them to draw nigh unto thee. Provide them with every good thing to do your will, I pray, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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