Sunday, December 06, 2009

Godly Thirst

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God (Ps. 42.1).

In 1978, I had been brought to the Lord. I grew in the knowledge of the Lord. About 1995, I started to compromise my beliefs. In 2004, I had to realize I and the whole church had become lukewarm and were no longer the savour of life unto life to them that were saved nor of death unto death to them that were perishing. On February 21 & 22, 2005, I decided to fast and pray for two days for the nation, the Church and for me to draw near the Lord.

In the months following, even to the present, I have had an incredible thirst for the Lord. That thirst is only satisfied with His presence. At once, from private prayer, the study of His Word, and fellowship with saints who hunger and thirst after Him, I find great satisfaction.

My wife and I find ourselves as deep calling unto deep.

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